Coffee Macarons: Indulge in the Rich and Relaxing Flavor of Coffee

Coffee Macarons: Indulge in the Rich and Relaxing Flavor of Coffee


Coffee Macarons

Ohhhhhhh macarons (pronounced ma-ka-hon), one of my favourite treats! There's nothing like treating yourself to a box of Laduree macarons and pretend you're on holiday in Paris! 

Macarons are a French delicacy that have been enjoyed for centuries. These small, round, colorful cookies are known for their delicate texture and sweet, slightly nutty flavor.  They are sandwiched together with a filling, such as buttercream or jam. Macarons come in a wide variety of flavors, from classic vanilla to more exotic options like matcha or lavender. They've gained popularity in recent years as a trendy dessert option, appearing in bakeries and cafes around the world. 

 If you're constantly on the hunt for new and exciting ways to enjoy the rich and complex flavors of coffee, you absolutely must try coffee macarons. These delightful French cookies are the perfect indulgence for anyone who loves the taste of coffee and a sweet treat. They're the perfect complement to your morning coffee or an indulgent treat for any time of day. Coffee macarons offer a little pick-me-up whenever you need it most.

These coffee macarons are for sure a sweet little treat that's perfect all day long! They are filled with a white chocolate ganache, infused with Sumatra coffee beans. And because it’s coffee flavored, there's an excuse to have one or two in the morning!

This recipe uses a dark roast Sumatran coffee.  Sumatran coffee is known for its distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other coffee varieties. It is often described as spicy, woody, and sometimes even fruity. The coffee beans are typically grown on small farms in the highlands of Sumatra, Indonesia, where they are processed using a unique wet-hulling method that gives the coffee its signature taste.  Sumatran coffee is often described as having a full-bodied and earthy flavor with low acidity. It has notes of chocolate, tobacco, and sometimes even a hint of smokiness. The coffee is typically roasted to a darker level, which further enhances its bold and complex flavor profile when combined with a sweet or high fat element, such as white chocolate. 

A little background on macarons..

Macarons are a type of French dessert that consists of two delicate, meringue-based cookies sandwiched together with a creamy filling. They are known for their vibrant colors, crispy texture, and rich flavors, and have become an iconic symbol of French patisserie.

Historically, macaroons have been around for several centuries, with some historians tracing their origins back to medieval Italy. However, it was not until the 16th century that they first became popular in France, when Catherine de Medici brought her pastry chefs with her to Paris when she married King Henry II. From there, macaroons gradually gained popularity and became a staple of French cuisine.

Culturally, macaroons have become a symbol of elegance and sophistication, and are often associated with luxury and indulgence. They are commonly served at special occasions such as weddings and high-end events, and are often given as gifts or souvenirs to visitors to France.

In recent years, macarons have become a global phenomenon, with pastry shops and bakeries around the world offering their own variations of the classic French dessert. Despite their popularity, however, macaroons remain deeply rooted in French culture and are an enduring symbol of the country's culinary heritage.


Yes, macarons are hard to make.

In fact, we spent at least a few years trying to make them before getting there, and then another 5 years trying to perfect the texture and flavours (so you don't have to!).  From the consistency, temperature and humidity, macarons are notoriously temperamental.  Here are a few tips to help you increase your chance of success!   

  1. Measure ingredients carefully: Macarons are very sensitive to the ratio of ingredients, so it's important to measure everything carefully. Use a kitchen scale to weigh your ingredients in grams, rather than measuring cups.
  2. Use room temperature ingredients: Make sure all your ingredients, including the egg whites, almond flour, and sugar, are at room temperature before you begin. This will help them incorporate more easily and create a smoother batter.
  3. Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar: Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar together to remove any lumps or large pieces. This will help create a smoother batter and prevent lumps in the finished macarons.
  4. Use a silicone baking mat or parchment paper: Line your baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper to prevent the macarons from sticking to the pan.
  5. Let the macarons rest: After piping the macarons onto the baking sheet, let them rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes before baking. This will help form a thin skin on the outside of the macarons, which will allow them to rise properly in the oven and develop the characteristic "feet."
  6. Don't overmix the batter: Overmixing the batter can cause the macarons to spread or develop cracks in the oven. Mix the batter just until it reaches a smooth, thick consistency and falls off the spatula in a ribbon-like stream.
  7. Be patient: Macarons require patience and practice to perfect. Don't be discouraged if your first batch doesn't turn out perfectly - keep trying and adjust your technique as needed.

    Read more about macarons in my previous blog post


    French or Italian Meringue?

    Macarons are usually made with either french or Italian meringue.  This is dependent on the humidity of the environment! Italian meringues hold more moisture because of the syrup, so if you're making macarons in a humid environment, perhaps you'd have a better chance of success with French meringue.  We use french meringue at Niecebakes, its also easier without the fuss of making the hot syrup!

    Macarons are a fun and delicious treat to make at home. With a few simple ingredients and the right techniques, anyone can create these delicate, flavorful cookies. Whether you're an advanced baker or a beginner, macarons are sure to impress your friends and family. So why not give it a try and whip up a batch?











    • Ground Almond 60g

    • Caster Sugar 60g

    • Icing Sugar 95g

    • Egg Whites 62g

    • Brown Food Colouring

    To Decorate: Cocoa powder


    For the Ganache:

    • Double Cream 100ml
    • White chocolate 100g
    • 20g dark roast Sumatran coffee beans (or 5g instant coffee)




      • Pour the ground almond and icing sugar into a food processor. Blend until smooth.

      • Whisk egg whites until foamy (around 60-90 seconds). Add all the caster sugar to the egg whites. Whisk until soft peaks form.

      • Add half of the almond and icing sugar mixture to the egg whites, carefully mix with a spatula until it is just incorporated.

      • Add half the remaining almond/icing mixture to the batter and mix.


      • Add all the remaining almond/icing mixture to the batter and mix until they are just incorporated.
      • Add food colouring and mix. Do not over mix here, the batter should just come off the spatula as you lift it.
      • Transfer the batter into a piping bag with a fitted plain tip.
      • On a baking sheet, pipe small egg-shaped macarons (~2.5-3cm in diameter). Let the macarons rest for at least 30 minutes, until a skin forms.
      • Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celcius. Check that the macarons are not sticking when you gently touch them. Bake for 6 minutes at 170 degrees, then lower the temperature to 135 degrees and bake for a further 6 minutes.
      • Remove the macaron shells from the baking sheet and place them upside down to cool.
      • To make the ganache, finely chop the white chocolate. Bring the double cream to boil and stir in coffee. Let it infuse for at least 30 minutes.  Pour the cream into the white chocolate and quickly stir until the chocolate has completely melted. Allow to cool before using.
      •  Fill the macarons with the coffee ganache - like a sandwich.
      • To keep the macarons overnight, simply put them in the fridge and take them out 15 minutes before serving!


        Final Tips for Making Perfect Macarons
        • Make sure all your equipment is clean and dry before you start.
        • Use a kitchen scale to measure your ingredients accurately.
        • Don't overmix the batter, or your macarons will be flat.
        • Let the macarons rest before baking to develop a crust on the outside.
        • Experiment with different flavors and fillings to find your favorite combination.



        Happy baking,

        Vaniece xx

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